Monday, November 16, 2015

ALU 7750 SR Service Architecture

Alcatel-Lucent 7750SR Service model

Various service provider VPN technologies (L2 and L3 VPN) are supported in 7750SR. Alcatel-Lucent's view of implementing these technologies are well structured in a model. Here I will describe the components of this model with sample configuration.


  1. Customer: Every service will be associated with a customer ID, which has no real effect on the router functions. Its mainly used for reporting purpose.
  2. Service: Any VPN service (VPWS, VPLS, VPRN) should have an ID and must be associated with a customer.
  3. SAP: Service access point (SAP) is simply the interfaces facing the customer devices
  4. SDP: Service distribution point (SDP) is the logical interface representing the transport tunnel towards other PEs. It actually establishes a T-LDP.

Configuration Example

##### Creation of a customer #####

*A:PE-1# configure service customer 111 create
*A:PE-1>config>service>cust$ description "Customer ABC"
*A:PE-1>config>service>cust$ phone "+1-222-555-6666"
##### Configuration of SDP #####
*A:PE-1# configure service sdp 2 mpls create
*A:PE-1>config>service>sdp$ far-end
*A:PE-1>config>service>sdp$ ldp
#### Creation of an epipe/vpws service ####
*A:PE-1# configure service epipe 55 customer 111 create
*A:PE-1>config>service>epipe$ sap 1/1/2 create
*A:PE-1>config>service>epipe>sap$ exit
*A:PE-1>config>service>epipe# spoke-sdp 2:55 create
*A:PE-1>config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp$ exit
*A:PE-1>config>service>sdp$ no shutdown